Upgrade to Dripsy v3

This version is a really exciting advance in the developer experience of Dripsy.

yarn add dripsy

Once you read about the new features, check out the Upgrade Guide.

While there are no breaking changes, there are many cool features to take advantage of (and it will only take a minute).

You can also check out the PR.

Features / Improvements 🥸

DX 👨🏽‍💻

  • Add intellisense for useDripsyTheme
  • Add intellisense for sx prop
  • Add intellisense for gradient and colors on @dripsy/gradient
  • Add intellisense for useResponsiveValue(theme => [theme.colors.background])
  • Add intellisense for useSx
  • Add intellisense for sx factory (sx={theme => ({ color: theme.colors.text })}
  • Add makeTheme function to override default one with a custom theme
  • Allow module declaration for merging TypeScript theme
  • Remove @theme-ui/core
  • Remove all Theme UI runtime code
  • Use @theme-ui/css for types only
  • Move DripsyProvider to use internal Dripsy context rather than Theme UI (BREAKING if you use the jsx pragma in your app)
  • Add intellisense for styled and makeThemedComponent
  • Add intellisense for themeKey in styled
  • Add intellisense for variant and variants
  • Make intellisense for variant only pick based on the specified themeKey
  • Add scale-specific theme tokens. For instance, backgroundColor should only get tokens from the theme.colors. (Is this blocking? It could take a lot of effort. Not sure if it should be blocking)
  • Allow arrays in the theme (is this blocking?)
  • Map theme UI styles onto RN styles if the key exists (width can be a string on web, but not native, unless it's from the theme). Maybe we just add in all RN style options here.
  • Add option to enforce strict types from RN styles mapped with theme (padding can be $1 from the theme and 1, but not "1" if that's not in the theme)
  • Log error from Dripsy if you pass "" as a style?
  • Ensure that Tokenize is performant for large themes
  • Test in large monorepo

Performance 🦦

  • Memoize sx prop under the hood
  • Improve Gradient memoization

Features 🛩

  • Add support for Pressable's factory style={interaction => ({ ... })} prop
  • Add textShadows to theme
  • Add shadows to theme with RN style
  • Add transform to sx prop
  • Add boxShadow to sx prop with intellisense
  • Add textShadow to sx prop with intellisense
  • Suport React Native 0.65

Upgrade Guide

Dripsy v3 is now available. The upgrade from v2 should take about 1 minute.

Install v3

yarn add dripsy
## if you use this package, upgrade it too
yarn add @dripsy/gradient


Make sure you have at least TypeScript 4.4+:

yarn add -D typescript

Add makeTheme

All you have to do to upgrade is wrap your theme with makeTheme, and then use module declaration.

import { makeTheme } from 'dripsy'
const theme = makeTheme({
colors: { primary: 'blue' },
type MyTheme = typeof theme
declare module 'dripsy' {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface DripsyCustomTheme extends MyTheme {}

You now get intellisense 🥳


If you don't see autocomplete, there could be a few reasons.

  1. You need to restart VSCode (yeah, really)
  2. You might have an old version of TypeScript (you should use 4.4+). yarn add -D typescript

Strict Types

If you want to enforce strict types for your sx prop, you can do so with the new theme.types field:

const theme = makeTheme({
// ...your theme here
types: {
onlyAllowThemeValues: 'always', // default: 'never'

By setting types.onlyAllowThemeValues to always, you restrict yourself to only using theme values in your sx prop. While this may feel like overkill, it is a good pattern of enforcing consistent design.

This will only apply to theme values that are set. For example, if you haven't set the theme.space property, then strict types won't enforce for padding, margin, etc.

Incremental strict types

It's possible you want to implement strict types on a per-scale basis. The types.onlyAllowThemeValues also accepts an object with per-scale definitions.

const theme = makeTheme({
space: {
$0: 0,
$1: 4,
$2: 8,
$3: 16,
$4: 32,
$5: 64,
$6: 128,
$7: 256,
$8: 512,
types: {
onlyAllowThemeValues: {
space: 'always',

Now, our sx prop's space-related properties (such as margin, padding, etc) will only accept one of the values in theme.space. To take full advantage of this feature, it is recommended that you don't use arrays, and instead make a dictionary with $ prefixes, such as the space one above.


The strict types feature is especially useful if you want to upgrade to Dripsy 3, have no breaking changes with your types, but slowly transition your app to have stricter types.

It also makes changing your theme much easier. For example, imagine that you change your space from an array to a dictionary:

const theme = makeTheme({
// before
space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512],
// after
space: {
$0: 0,
$1: 4,
$2: 8,
$3: 16,
$4: 32,
$5: 64,
$6: 128,
$7: 256,
$8: 512,

After changing your theme.space, you likely have hundreds of invalid styles throughout your app. Finding them all would be a mess.

However, with incremental strict types, you could achieve this code refactor in seconds.

const theme = makeTheme({
// before
space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512],
// after
space: {
$0: 0,
$1: 4,
$2: 8,
$3: 16,
$4: 32,
$5: 64,
$6: 128,
$7: 256,
$8: 512,
types: {
onlyAllowThemeValues: {
space: 'always',

Now, simply run your TypeScript type-checker (yarn tsc --noEmit) to see all the places you need to update. You'll get useful errors like this:

Screen Shot 2021-10-04 at 11 10 26 AM

If you want an escape hatch that lets you style without theme keys without disabling strict types, use the style prop instead of sx.

Enforce React Native types

default: false

const theme = makeTheme({
// ... theme
types: {
reactNativeTypesOnly: true, // default false

If you set this field to true, then you can only pass styles that fit a React Native style object.

For example, on web, you can set fontWeight as a number, like so: fontWeight: 400. With React Native, font weights must be strings (fontWeight: '400'). Using a number here would probably work with dripsy if you've utilized the customFonts feature in your theme.

I recommend setting this field to true. However, it will default to false to avoid breaking changes with users who are on v2 (like me) who don't want to refactor everywhere. If your app is just adding Dripsy, you should set this field to true. And it may work to set it to true either way. If it riddles your type checker with errors, then you can easily disable it.

To clarify: when this is false, it will allow either theme-ui types for a given field, or React Native types. When it's set to true, it will only allow React Native types (if they exist.)

Since React Native has no cursor property, for instance, using this field will always pull from the theme-ui web types.

Breaking Changes

There are essentially no breaking changes.

If you are a very advanced user with a custom setup, this might be breaking for you:

  • Removed @theme-ui/core dependency

    • For 99% of people, this won't matter. You likely didn't even know about this dependency. If that's the case, ignore this.
    • However, if you were using a very custom (undocumented) Dripsy setup with theme-ui on web, you'll need to wrap your app with theme-ui's ThemeProvider yourself. Previously, Dripsy used that provider under the hood.
  • Removed Button component (just import it from react-native instead of dripsy)

Array values

If your theme had any array values, turn them into objects.

Arrays in theme were added to v3.